About us
In partnership with The Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation, Life side Ohio is a groundbreaking effort that’s never been done before in Ohio.

Our Story
After researching best practices of similar campaigns in states like Missouri, Utah and New Hampshire, Life Side Ohio has launched a mission to reach gun owners in all corners of the state and from all walks of life.
Our Values
Our first priority is to listen: to hunters, collectors, enthusiasts, firearms instructors, and retailers. We're also talking with men and women who've had professional firearms training in public safety and the U.S. military. We’re asking all of them to share their insights, experience plus help guide Life Side Ohio to impactfully reach more gun owners about suicide prevention.

Our Goal
Our pillars of outreach begin with 3 broad, firearms communities: retailers, veterans, and public safety. We hope and fully expect subsets of communities to form as the campaign grows.We're united for life, because without life, there’s loss and grief.
"1 in 10 firearm suicides involved a gun that was purchased or rented within a week of the suicide"
Get Involved
Life Side Ohio is by your side and in your community with resources on suicide awareness, prevention, mental health, and education. We're united for life, because without life, there’s loss and grief.